How Do Thematic Workbooks Contribute to Growth and Development of Children?
The curriculum of a school plays a vital role in carving the future of kids. The curriculum must be designed in such a way that contributes to the growth and development of kids. Children are future of our country and it is the responsibility of parents and schools to imbibe right values and knowledge which can help them in shaping a not only a successful career but a meaningful life. These days’ schools try to be innovative in their approach to make the learning session more interesting and innovative for children. One such initiative taken by the schools is the introduction of thematic workbooks for preschool . Here’s a look at the concept and benefits of thematic workbooks: What is thematic learning? Thematic learning synonymous with thematic instructions is a method of teaching which emphasizes on choosing a particular theme for teaching various concepts. Thematic learning can take place when different disciplines are centered towards one specific concept. It helps the stude...