Everything Teachers Must Know to Foster Positive Relationships with Parents

In the times of lockdown, online teaching is slowly catching up in India. Getting along with students virtually as you did in the classroom is a little difficult but not impossible. Do remember parents and families of the students also can be of tremendous support in this regard. So how do you establish a positive relationship with parents? Below are a few tips we at NatureNurture, one the leading education management companies in India, would like to share with you.

1. First impressions – You want your encounters with parents to be warm and gracious as we all know that the first impression is the best impression. Try sharing tidbits about yourself. Have them share their favourite school memories, which is a great way for both the parents and the teacher to get to know each other.

2. Communication techniques – We, at NatureNurture, believe in communication. Communication between parents and teachers is the most important aspect of establishing a positive relationship with parents. Discuss the goals each of you has for the child for the school year and provide weekly updates. Call parents frequently, not just to complain but also to appreciate the children.

3. Learn from parents – Just as parents can learn from teachers; teachers can also learn from parents. Listen to parents when they’re talking about their child as they may give you insights about the child that you were unaware of. Let parents know how they can help you.

4. Be resourceful – When parents come with questions, be prepared to answer them. Point them in the right direction where they can find help if they share a concern. Create a resource where they can find all the basic information they need – like contact information; policies, supplies needed, and expectations that you have for students and parents for a successful year and share the same with the parents.

5. Explain decisions and Invite Input – Take the time to explain any decisions regarding the child so that the parents may understand what you are doing and why. Also, invite parents in decision making. Give them the information needed to form an opinion and listen to their solutions.

As the leading education management companies in India, we advocate partnership between the parents and teacher. When parents and teachers can successfully work together to ensure a child’s success, it is definitely going to be a win-win situation for everyone involved.


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